The holiday card game can feel overwhelming with all the other to dos on our list during the holiday season, but the act of sending a holiday card is the perfect way to spread love and joy this holiday season. Here are some tips to make the process easier for you.
When should I send out my Holiday Cards?
I know we don’t live in a perfect world, BUT, your ideal time to send out a holiday card is around the first week of December. This is after Thanksgiving but still far enough in advance where your recipients have time to enjoy your cards. Some display them on the mantle, others get creative and have holiday card Christmas trees!
To allow yourself time to stamp and send, order your cards two weeks before Thanksgiving.
At Kamu our final deadline is December 9th! Check the collection out here.
How many cards should I order?
This number is totally dependent on your inner circle. Our most popular quantities are 50 and 75. Sometimes this number is higher if you’re announcing a new baby, new marriage, or a new address. However, there is one important thing to do each year. Take note of who sends YOU a card. Keep it in a spreadsheet on your computer. Here at Kamu, we think it’s a thoughtful thing to send cards to those who send you cards. So, if you get a card from your Aunt Shirley’s step son’s kids then you should send a card to them as well.
How should I sign the card?
If your card is to loved ones then it’s nice to be more personal with your sign off. Ideas include:
- With love (or with all our love)
- Warmly (or Warmest wishes)
- Your friends
- Lots of love
The most common ways to sign your name are listing just your last name, just your first names, or doing both. When putting your last name, use an "s" or an "es." Never use an apostrophe s (‘s). For example, Sally and Tim Johnson would be listed as “The Johnsons." For listing first names, it’s typical to go in order of child’s age, placing the youngest child last. See our cards for examples!